Friday, June 19, 2020

Hacks & Quacks

We owe a debt of gratitude to the health care workers – the doctors and nurses who have dedicating their lives and are currently risking their lives to care for humanity during this crisis. They are helping us by giving us guidance to stay safe, and if we actually contract the disease, they are the last defense we rely on combined with the grace and will of God to nurse us back to health if they can. These are the real doctors. 
But then there are also so-called doctors, experts, or pundits if you will, who claim to have medical expertise, who go on TV to dispense that advice, but actually they are not doctors. They are what are commonly referred to as “quacks.” They often go by one name, and call themselves doctor this or that, but actually, they are quacks that give bad medical advice, while simultaneously playing the role of political hacks that go on propaganda networks to cater to and reinforce the biases of a certain demographic in order to get exposure and gain popularity and profit. They have a history of trying to politically divide people by telling them what they want to hear, that this pandemic is just an overblown hoax to bring down the president, often minimizing the severity and danger the pandemic, saying it’s just like the flue – they decry the necessity of wearing masks, and spew conspiracy theories about vaccines, or 5G, or Bill Gates, or “the deep state,” or the “money grubbing corporations” etc., ad nauseam, at the expense of the advice of the real experts which mislead people to think and thus act recklessly and thereby put them in danger. Their talking points are often incompatible, therefore, their misinformation is antithetical to the Hippocratic Oath that real doctors take. I wrote this song about these one name so-called doctors, like, Dr. Oz, or Dr. Phil, or Dr.  Drew, etc. entitled “Hacks and Quacks.”

Herd Immunity and Vaccines

I have heard that many devotees refuse to get vaccinated because they're waiting for everyone else to get vaccinated so that the entire ...